Kalu Rinpoche is lineage holder of the Shangpa Kagyu tradition. He received full transmission of the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage from Venerable Bokar Rinpoche and completed his three-year retreat in 2008. Rinpoche continues the unbroken transmission of the Shangpa and Karma Kagyu Lineages, ensuring that these precious teachings remain available to those who seek to walk the blessed Path of Liberation.

Kalu Rinpoche was born September 17, 1990, at Samdrub Darjay Choling Monastery in Sonada, India during the monthly fulfillment offerings to the Shangpa Kagyu Protector, Chagdrukpa (Six-armed Mahakala). Many auspicious signs accompanied his birth and a canopy of rainbows formed over his monastery identical to the rainbows that had appeared above the monastery after Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche's Parinirvana. Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche officially recognized Kalu Rinpoche’s Yangsi on March 25, 1992. Bokar Rinpoche stated, “That the Venerable Kalu Rinpoche chose to be reborn at his previous home, at his own monastery Samdrup Darjay Choling is an indication of his complete freedom of mind.”

As a Millennial, the current Kalu Rinpoche understands the pressures and experiences of modern life. He’s down to earth, genuinely honest about his own experiences and practice, and able to relate to practitioners from around the world.

Quelle: https://www.sukhasiddhi.org/rinpoche

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