Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is a meditation master and scholar of the Karma Kagyu school. He was educated by masters from all Tibetan Buddhist traditions and has studied at both the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology in Gangtok, Sikkim and the Sampurnananda Sanskrit University in Varanasi in India. For his profound academic works, he was awarded the title of Lopon Chenpo, the equivalent of a PhD, by the International Nyingma Society. Rinpoche has been teaching around the world since 1990, and at the request of the Karmapa is the Spiritual Director of the city centres of the Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V. Rinpoche is the founder of the large city centre Boddhicharya in Berlin and is the author of numerous books.



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Prayer Festival for Peace – Kagyu Monlam Germany

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi
Ringu Tulku RinpocheAcharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi

Ringu Tulku Summer Retreat 2024

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi
Ringu Tulku RinpocheAcharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi

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