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Training in Tibetan energy work according to the system of the 24 inner lights

Course number
“All wisdom is contained in the human energy system”

Tibetan Energy Work (TE ®) is based on the ancient knowledge of Tibetan masters. In this method we work with the dimensions of the 24 inner lights. TE does not focus on the level of problems, but on the wisdom dimensions lying in our depth. All sentient beings have this source within them. In TE we make contact between this depth and our everyday consciousness. This brings a wonderful new lightness and vitality into life. This unique method supports each person in their own personal development. The TE helps evolve spiritual as well as individual potential.

Tibetan Energy Work is only to a very small extent a technique. The deep aspects come through the transmission. It takes a special inner attitude to fully embrace this method. TE is a low-threshold dzogchen practice.

In the Tibetan Energy Work we distinguish between 24 organs. Each of these can be addressed through points on the body. During a treatment the client lies on a mat and the therapist touches the relevant points. A merge of energetic systems is created. Stillness and connection facilitate a deep healing transformation.

Fee of the training / incl. 1st weekend 3.040 Euro
Fee of the initial weekend 380 Euro
Fees for the three additional dates: 2,660 euros
Costs for accommodation are not included.
Reduced fees can be arranged.

Duration of training: 16 days

March 8 – 10, 2024 (basic weekend)
June 6 – 9, 2024 (4 days)
July 21 – 26, 2024 (summer week)
September 26 – 29, 2024 (4 days)

At Kamalashila we offer a TE® training programme on a total of four dates. This first weekend serves to get to know each other and TE®. At the end of this weekend you can decide whether you want to continue the training. The other seminar days can only be booked in consultation with the instructor and can only be booked en bloc.

Language of the seminar will be English without translation.

You can find the link to the familiarisation weekend here: click here

More information – Link to flyer


Register for this course

Course fees

Accommodation desired

Room bookings are made on the basis of availability and in the order in which registrations are received. You will receive a registration confirmation from us in which we will inform you of whether we are able to provide you with the accommodation desired. Please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

Da unser Zimmerkontingent beschränkt ist, gibt es bei negativem Bescheid die Möglichkeit Ferienwohnungen/Zimmer im Dorf und der näheren Umgebung anzumieten. Liste der Unterkünfte (PDF oder DOCX).

Zusätzliche Spende*

* Diese Spende wird u.a. für die Unterstützung einkommensschwacher TeilnehmerInnen und zur Deckung der Organisationskosten verwendet.

Persönliche Daten

Besondere Ernährung

Bitte geben Sie bei Anmeldung an, wenn Sie vegane, laktose- oder glutenfreie Mahlzeiten benötigen. Alle Mahlzeiten werden als Buffet angeboten. Daher bitten wir um Verständnis, dass wir individuelle Allergien nicht berücksichtigen können.

Wenn Sie sich lieber selbst verpflegen möchten, beachten Sie bitte, dass es im Ort Langenfeld und auch in der näheren Umgebung keine Einkaufsmöglichkeiten wie Supermärkte und Bäckereien gibt. Die einzige örtliche Gastronomie hat eingeschränkte und oft nicht zum Programm passende Öffnungszeiten. Bei einer Selbstverpflegung muss daher entweder das Essen von zuhause mitgebracht werden oder eine Ferienwohnung mit Verpflegung gebucht werden.

Payment Method

  • I will transfer the costs of the event to the account of the Kamalashila Institute® at the latest ten days after receiving the confirmation email from the office, stating the course number and the course title on the transfer form.

    Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland – Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. (not “Kamalashila Institut”!)
    IBAN: DE33 5765 001 001 9949 1127
    Kreissparkasse Mayen
    Reference: Course 9.1 on 26. September 2024

    If you indicated that you would like to stay at Kamalashila Institute, please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)



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