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Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche – Self Liberating Meditation

Course number

This course is fully booked. Should seats become available again, we will reopen the registration.
Alternatively, online participation in this course is available through the Kamalashila Online Campus. Registration here.

Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche is one of the few internationally active Rinpoches from a female lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. She is a well-known teacher within the Kagyu and Nyingma schools. Born to Kyabje Mindrolling Rinpoche Trichen, she was recognized as the reincarnation of the great Dakini of Tshurphu.

She received both a traditional religious and modern Western education. Rinpoche is actively involved in the Mindrolling Monastery. She founded various international centers and the Samten Tse Retreat Center in India as a place for study and retreat by nuns and Western practitioners.

This weekend, Khandro Rinpoche will use the text to give us access to the profound teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism. We are inspired to let our own minds rest with vivid clarity and will be given advice on how to open and rest in silence. We will receive refined instructions not to change the mind, but to relax directly into what is happening.

These teachings provide both wonderful inspiration for one’s own meditation practice and an introduction to practicing in the midst of everyday life. Opening the mind to these deep teachings under the guidance of a master like Khandro Rinpoche allows us to experience what meditation can be, what our mind really is.

She will explain to us the basics and very precise steps in her very clear, warm and humorous style. It is particularly effective and beneficial to receive these teachings when one’s mind is meditatively open and well trained. Therefore, we are invited to prepare for this weekend through regular daily meditations.

Note on the used text:
The great Dzogchen master Patrul Rinpoche is widely respected for his teachings and realizations. His teaching text, “Self-Liberating Meditation: A Profound Method of Achieving Enlightenment According to the Ultimate Great Perfection” presents the essence of Dzogchen and shows how it is possible to maintain this in meditation. The teachings of Mahamudra, Madhyamaka and Dzogchen appear here combined in a single, short text.


Friday, June 14
Arrival of the participants
19:00 Dinner

Saturday, June 15
10am – 12am Teachings
15pm – 17pm Teachings

Sunday, June 16
10am – 12am Teachings
15pm – 17pm Teachings

Monday, June 17
09:00 am Breakfast
Departure of the participants.

The course takes place in English with German translation.

Other information

We can provide gluten/lactose free and vegan meals on request for an extra €3 per day. Please use the registration form below to notify us of your nutritional requests. The extra amount will be charged on-site during your registration.

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Bookings are no longer available for this event.

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