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While the Kagyü traditions call their essential meditation path “Mahamudra”, the Nyigma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism speaks of “Dzogchen” as the core term. Many great teachers and practitioners of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions practice both paths. They are similar, but also place slightly different emphasizes. In both, the goal of the path is the realization of the Buddha nature that is inherent in us.

“Mahamudra” is a Sanskrit word, in Tibetan it would be “Chag Chen”, and Dzogchen is a Tibetan word and in Sanskrit it is called “Maha Ati”. So it is actually about “Mahamudra and Maha Ati” or “Chag Chen and Dzog Chen”.

This weekend, Lama Sönam Rabgye will reveal much more about the similarities and subtle differences between the two meditation paths and also introduce their practice. He himself is a lama in the Mahamudra tradition of the Karma Kagyu school, in which “Dzogchen” is highly valued, but the more gradual path of Mahamudra is preferred for teaching and practice.

The weekend is therefore also an opportunity to clear up any confusion about these terms and what lies behind them.

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For gluten-, lactose-free and vegan food we charge an extra fee of 3 Euro per day, please select separately below. The extra amount will be charged on site at the Kamalashila Institute.

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Accommodation desired

Room bookings are made on the basis of availability and in the order in which registrations are received. You will receive a registration confirmation from us in which we will inform you of whether we are able to provide you with the accommodation desired. Please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

Since our room contingent is limited, you may choose to rent a room or apartment in the village or the surrounding area. List of accommodations (PDF).

Additional donation*

* This donation will be used, among other things, to support low-income participants and to cover organizational costs.

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Payment Method

  • PayPal is an online payment service for the quick and easy payment of online purchases. All you have to do is register on PayPal once and from then on you can use this safe and easy payment method.
  • Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland – Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. (not “Kamalashila Institut”!)
    IBAN: DE33 5765 001 001 9949 1127
    Kreissparkasse Mayen
    Reference: Course 7.4 on 18. July 2025

    If you indicated that you would like to stay at Kamalashila Institute, please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

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