Volunteer Work at Kamalashila Institute
Kamalashila Institute is a non-profit organisation that is heavily reliant on volunteer help – in and around the buildings and the grounds and during events and seminars. We’re always very happy to welcome newcomers!
Helping out on a voluntary basis is also a wonderful way of practising mindfulness in action away from the meditation cushion.
We currently need support in the following areas:
Café Stupa
We need someone to work the coffee bar in our small café (making coffee and selling cake) for around 2 hours a day during ongoing courses.
Please note that anyone working with food in Germany has to have a so-called ‘Health Certificate’. This is easy to obtain (basically a short information session on food hygiene) from all German public health offices.
Are you someone with marketing know-how who would like to help us make Kamalashila Institute more well-known? Then please contact us, we’d love to get to know you!
It would be ideal if you already knew Kamalashila Institute through your participation in one of our seminars, but this is not a must.
What is a must, however, is a healthy mind and body and the ability to handle stress.
Volunteer helpers work under the guidance of and in close collaboration with the Kamalashila team.
In exchange for your volunteer help, reductions on seminar fees and free room and board can be negotiated. The amount will depend on the amount of voluntary work you do.
Are you interested?
Then please contact the administration of Kamalashila Institute at +49 2655 939055 or send us an e-mail to gf@kamalashila.de.
Sponsor membership
You can of course also greatly support Kamalashila Institute by becoming a member and sponsoring it on a financial level! More information on this is found here.