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Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche – Key Points of Trekchö I

Course number

fully booked – click here for online participation

In turbulent times, finding our ground within helps us stay balanced and resilient. This retreat will introduce and explore essence love as the ground of the feeling world and innate wisdom awareness as the ground of the mind.
Essence love or basic OKness is our birthright, always present within as the nature of the feeling world and subtle body. We can get disconnected from it however, and this can result in many problems and much unnecessary suffering.
Innate wisdom awareness is also always present as the nature of the mind. Through not recognizing our true nature, we endlessly wander in confusion. In this retreat, we will explore how to reconnect and actualize these aspects of our nature.

As an introduction and preparation to Rinpoche’s teachings the following videos and mp3s can be helpful:

Participants can watch recorded videos of this event free of charge on our Kamalashila Onlince Campus. In order to do so, please create a user account at and book the online course here
Alternatively, the videos will become availabe through the media archive of Pundarika in the future.

Other information

Please note our travel recommendations here

Information about guest houses near the institute here

During the event only the english translation will be heard over the loudspeakers.
Headphones for simultaneous English to German translation: €20

Tibetan to English: Adam Kane. Adam has been a student of Tsoknyi Rinpoche for many years and has gained a deep understanding of his teachings through direct contact with Rinpoche.
English to German: Annette Bungers. Annette will translate Rinpoche’s instructions from Adams translation into German.

Participation in this course is limited.
The course is fully booked.

You are welcome to register for the ONLINE COURSE here.

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