
All Courses are in Englisch with translation into German.

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For Khenchen Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche

A remembrance meant to be a call

He who permeated many hearts everywhere in wisdom and could enchant with the gentle power of love and humor, leaving them encouraged to walk their own path to freedom.
We speak of him, of one of the first great Tibetan masters in the Buddha’s tradition who began to share their knowledge and, above all, their experience intensively and systematically across cultures with people all over the world – of the one who, on behalf of the 16th Karmapa, was to open access to the Karma Kagyu tradition especially to Western students as one of the first teachers; the first teacher at the Kamalashila Institute, once in Wachendorf, and also the first teacher at the same place, which is now a retreat center in Halscheid; he was also the first teacher in many other places of this world; – of the one who had remained as one of the few grand masters of the old school.

We speak of the one who, after almost 90 years of tireless activity, left us on June 22nd:
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, Dechen Rangdrol, or by whatever other names he may be known.

“Written from the point of view of a close disciple”

Full text here

On a daily basis, our minds run wild and fall victim to afflictive emotions like suffering, depression, laziness, and distractions. At the heart of the Buddhist path, training the mind is essential. The practice of Shamatha, Calm Abiding Meditation, puts special emphasis on developing one-pointed concentration as a means for developing a calm and focused mind. Shamatha is the essential practice to tame our unruly minds, so that we can bring adversity and joy into our path of awakening.



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  • German Karma Kagyu Association

    Kamalashila Institute for Buddhist Studies and Meditation is a part of–and simultaneously the main centre of–the Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V. This German association is the official representative of the Karma Kagyu lineage in Germany and of the activities of H.H. the Gyalwang Karmapa in Europe. The association was founded in 1978 as an organizational centre for the numerous visits and programmes of the most eminent teachers of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

    H.H. the 17th Karmapa is the spiritual head of the 900-year old Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He is regarded as one of the most important spiritual architects of our modern times. The Karmapa plays a vital role in the preservation and modernization of Tibetan Buddhist spirituality and culture. Described as one of the most significant “spiritual guides of the 21st century”, the Karmapa has inspired millions of people throughout the world as a teacher, an artist, a poet, and as an environmental activist.

  • City Groups of Kamalashila Institute

    Are you looking for a place near you where you can study and practise meditation and Buddhism? A growing number of meditation groups associated with Kamalashila now exist in several German cities. Each of these has its own individual programme, ranging from weekly meditation sessions to study groups and weekend seminars. The city groups are run by our two resident lamas, Acharya Lama Sönam Rabgye and Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi.


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