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Skymind: The Radiance of our True Nature

Course number

Skymind is the brilliantly awake, natural radiance of our being. The sky remains expansive and spacious even as clouds, rain, and wind move through it. So too our true nature, the “nature of mind,” is vast and abiding even within the turmoil of everyday life.

How do we come to know our sky-like nature? The great 11th century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön offers this fundamental instruction: “don’t search…rest in your nature.” Her teaching is a beautiful reminder of our innate wholeness, and a radical invitation to meet totality “as it is.” This profoundly direct instruction invites us on a path of intimacy: meeting ourselves and the world with gentle wakefulness, courageous acceptance, and unending compassion. It is a path of great joy.

The retreat includes:

  • Teachings, contemplations, and discussion of Machig’s verses, derived from source texts that lie at the heart of Tibetan Buddhism. You are encouraged to memorize your favorite verses to inspire and guide your daily life after our retreat.
  • An Open Awareness meditation, as well as ancient and new exercises to train attention.
  • Integration with the Elements practices (held primarily outdoors, in direct contact with earth, air and sky) that invite you into an embodied experience of wholeness.

All are welcome. No previous experience necessary.

Other information

For gluten-, lactose-free and vegan food we charge an extra fee of 3 Euro per day, please select separately below. The extra amount will be charged on site at the Kamalashila Institute.

Important note: Charlotte and Pieter are offering a scholarship program for this retreat for those who are not able to pay. If required, please contact: .
Please only select the scholarship booking below if you have a confirmation from Tara Mandalas.

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Course fees

Accommodation desired

Room bookings are made on the basis of availability and in the order in which registrations are received. You will receive a registration confirmation from us in which we will inform you of whether we are able to provide you with the accommodation desired. Please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

Since our room contingent is limited, you may choose to rent a room or apartment in the village or the surrounding area. List of accommodations (PDF).

Additional donation*

* This donation will be used, among other things, to support low-income participants and to cover organizational costs.

Personal Information

Special Meal Requests

Payment Method

  • PayPal is an online payment service for the quick and easy payment of online purchases. All you have to do is register on PayPal once and from then on you can use this safe and easy payment method.
  • Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland – Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. (not “Kamalashila Institut”!)
    IBAN: DE33 5765 001 001 9949 1127
    Kreissparkasse Mayen
    Reference: Course 6.3 on 18. June 2025

    If you indicated that you would like to stay at Kamalashila Institute, please pay the room fee only after you have received the confirmation email from our office.

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I have read the ethical guidelines and I hereby agree to them.

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