Standard Business Terms
The following Standard Business Terms govern all events (courses, seminars, retreats) of Kamalashila Institute commencing 1 January 2009. They govern the relationship between Kamalashila Institute as the organizer and the attendee from the time of valid registration. 1. Terms of Payment: The course fees stated in the published programme are due for payment at the time of registration and must be transferred (by bank transfer) by the attendee to the organizer. For courses taking place over more than one weekend, the attendee may be allowed to pay in instalments. 2. Rebates: The organizer may, in an individual case, reduce the … Next -
How do I reach Kamalashila Institute with public transportation? The way to reach us by public transportation can be found here: Link zu Anfahrt Can I stay at Kamalashila Institute without attending a course? Yes. You are more than welcome to stay here to do a retreat, relax, or work as a volunteer. Please make sure to reserve a room on time. What facilities does Kamalashila Institute have? In addition to the ongoing courses and seminars, we have a library, which mainly contains Buddhist literature, a Dharmashop, which sells Tibetan practice texts, books, and various objects used in Buddhist rituals, … Next -
Organisational Matters
Below you will find the main information on registering for a course, meals, accommodation possibilities, and how to get here. Next -
Light Offerings & Pujas
It is common in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries to perform various ceremonies and rituals at people’s request. This has now become a tradition in Kamalashila as well. We offer the following: Next -
Our Office
Do you have questions about our programme or about Kamalashila Institute? Would you like to make a suggestion? Then feel free to contact us! Next -
How to Get Here
Kamalashila Institute is located in the northern part of the German state Rheinland-Pfalz, in the so-called Vordereifel, at an altitude of around 550 metres. You can get here in the following ways: Next -
Become a Volunteer
Kamalashila Institute is a non-profit organisation that is heavily reliant on volunteer help – in and around the buildings and the grounds and during events and seminars. We’re always very happy to welcome newcomers! Helping out on a voluntary basis is also a wonderful way of practising mindfulness in action away from the meditation cushion. We currently need support in the following areas: Next -
Our Team
The smooth running of the day to day operations of Kamalashila Institute is only possible with the help of many people. The following persons currently make up our core team: Office and Guest Services Telephone office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon The office is closed on Monday and weekends. T: +49 2655 9390-40 Spiritual Directors Acharya Lama Sonam Rabgye and Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi Contact via our office: T: +49 2655 9390-40 Program Planning Online Campus Marthe Mareike Wolf Lama Yeshe Gyamtso Web editing Lama Yeshe Gyamtso Social Media Editor & Personal … Next -
The Institute
Kamalashila Institute was founded in 1981. It is one of the first Tibetan Buddhist centres in Europe and is the European seat of the Karmapa. The Karmapa is the head of the Karma Kagyu lineage. The 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is one of the highest ranking lamas of Tibetan Buddhism. The spiritual director of Kamalashila Institute is Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche, who himself grew up under the care of the 16th Karmapa. Although he lives in the USA and runs his own centre in Seattle, Rinpoche still visits us on a regular basis. Next -
You can reach us by telephone at +49 2655 9390-40 during our office hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon The office is closed on Monday and weekends. F: +49 2655 9390-41 Our postal address: Kamalashila Institut Kirchstraße 22a 56729 Langenfeld/Eifel If possible, enter the postal code in your GPS system as there are several Langenfelds in Germany! Bank account for paying course fees: Account holder: Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland – Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V. Bank Kreissparkasse Mayen IBAN: DE33 5765 001 001 9949 1127 BIC: MALADE51MYN Payment for: State the number and date of the event Next

All Courses & Application
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Buddhist literature, meditation supplies, and much more in the Dharmashop
Books from all traditions, statues, thangkas, meditation cushions, malas, posters, singing bowls, incense, and much more for your dharma practice.
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