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Kalu Rinpoche – The Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities

Course number
It was 40 years ago in 1984 that the legendary, then 79-year-old, Kalu Rinpoche conferred the Kalachakra initiation on over 1,000 participants at the old Kamalashila Institute at Wachendorf Castle and inaugurated the former stupa as a peace stupa. Two years earlier there had already been a great moment at Kamalashila when Rinpoche introduced the “Nature of Mind” on three evenings. Now Kalu Rinpoche Yangsi, the recognized reincarnation of the “old Kalu”, is returning to the Kamalashila Institute.

The Kalu Rinpoches are holders of many traditional lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, especially the Shangpa Kagyu lineage, which emphasizes the female aspects of enlightenment somewhat more than other traditions. Kalu Rinpoche will teach and guide a special Vajrayana practice on “The Four Enlightened Aspects”. This is an important teaching and practice of the Shangpa Kagyü tradition, going back to the Indian Mahasiddha Shavaripa and the female Dakini Sukhasiddhi.

The accompanying text is entitled: “A Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities” or “Realizing the Four Deities Combined”.

Friday, 26 July 2024
Arrival and Dinner

Saturday, 27 July 2024
10:00 – 11:30 am : Teaching on “The Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities”
14:00 – 17:00 : Empowerment of “The Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities”

Sunday, 28 July 2024
10:00 – 11:30 am : Instructions for the practice of “The Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities”
14:00 – 16:00 : Instructions for the practice of “The Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities”

Monday, 29. July 2024
Breakfast and Departure

In his instructions for the practice of the “Six-Armed Mahakala”, the former Kalu Rinpoche notes:

“At the time of approaching, completing and applying activities, this practice of “Combined Accomplishment of the Four Deities” is essential. […] Complete this practice according to its Sadhana and commentary, and you will dissolve all external and internal obstacles and receive blessings.”

Initiations are offered on site (this is not possible online)

Course language: English and German

As the seminar starts on Saturday morning, arrival on Friday and departure on Sunday afternoon is planned.

Other information
For gluten-, lactose-free and vegan food we charge an extra fee of 3 Euro per day, please select separately below. The extra amount will be charged on site at the Kamalashila Institute.

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